A Daily Devotional - Developing Your Relationship with the Holy Spirit

Jesus told His disciples "wait in Jerusalem until you are given power to go with the message of the Gospel" (Acts 1:7-8). In Acts 2, we read of the mighty Holy Spirit being poured out on the 120 disciples waiting in the upper room and the overflow into the streets of Jerusalem. Three thousand men were added to the Lord's church that day. We do not know how many over the three thousand may have been women and children. Acts 8 tells of the multitude of Samaritans who believed the word preached by Philip the Evangelist and confirmed by miracles he performed. When the disciples heard that Samaria had received the Word, they sent Peter and John who laid hands on the Samaritan believers and they too received the promised Holy Spirit. This book is dedicated for the purpose of helping God's people develop a closer walk with God's Spirit. To learn how to be led by the Spirit, to recognize His promptings, and to be used in His power to bear witness of God's great love revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Jesus told His disciples “wait in Jerusalem until you are given power to go with the message of the Gospel” (Acts 1:7-8). In Acts 2, we read of the mighty Holy Spirit being poured out on the 120 disciples waiting in the upper room and the overflow into the streets of Jerusalem. Three thousand men were added to the Lord’s church that day. We do not know how many over the three thousand may have been women and children. Acts 8 tells of the multitude of Samaritans who believed the word preached by Philip the Evangelist and confirmed by miracles he performed. When the disciples heard that Samaria had received the Word, they sent Peter and John who laid hands on the Samaritan believers and they too received the promised Holy Spirit. This book is dedicated for the purpose of helping God’s people develop a closer walk with God’s Spirit. To learn how to be led by the Spirit, to recognize His promptings, and to be used in His power to bear witness of God’s great love revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ. When I completed this devotional book, I found that the Lord had given three powerful helps which I call the (Three I’s): Inspirational, Informational, and Instructional. All three are necessary for developing a healthy balanced walk in the Spirit of God. All of us need to be inspired in order to live out the relationship God has given us because of Christ’ sacrifice and the coming of His promised Holy Spirit. The Scriptures inspire us to persevere as others who have gone before. The Spirit and the Word are the dynamic duo of our faith. Inspiration is not enough. We must also have (information) in order to know how to apply the inspiration received. Learning of God’s purpose, plans, and how others lived a “Spirit filled life” is extremely important. Knowing all that is available to the believer is a must in fulfilling God’s plan for one’s life. We must be (instructed). The Word of God, the Bible, is our instruction book. It is the manual to know how to live out the will of God. It reveals that you and I cannot live out His will without His divine power working through us. It shows us that we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit daily. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. His dwelling place in the earth is in each believer to work His divine plan and purpose. He is the one building the Lord’s church. He is the one sent to administrate the Lord’s Kingdom and His will on earth as it is in Heaven. “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2;9). Be blessed as you daily read His Words of Life!
George Runyan